Training headspin or a summary of 2022

Posted: 2023-02-09

Written by: Paulina Hinz, Training Specialist

What training opportunities does Solwit have in place? What were the most popular training courses at Solwit in 2022? What is SAR (eng. SDA), and why does everyone on the #solwitteam (at least we hope!) know that acronym? Check out the rest of this article if you are curious to learn more!

There is a reason why development is at the forefront of any workplace survey. It appears in them as one of the primary motivators, making its support a highly desirable benefit. The 2022 Bulldogjob industry survey confirms this, with half of the respondents citing ‘professional training and courses’ as the most essential benefit (only private healthcare was higher).

At Solwit, we support the development of employees with various tools, the main one being the Solwit Development Academy (pl. SAR), which currently boasts 21 active trainers delivering IT-related training. These training sessions are open, free of charge, and available to all employees. Not only are you able to share and acquire knowledge; you also test your abilities as a trainer. It is an excellent opportunity to learn valuable skills in presenting, speaking, and sharing knowledge.

In 2022, as part of SDA (pl. SAR), there were 48 training sessions and 32 lightning talks. In the latter case, perhaps less well-known, short talks about specific solutions or technological innovations are presented. In addition to the number of meetings, we are also delighted by the very high ratings for their content. These numbers remain consistently above 4 on a scale of up to 5. Last year, the most popular training course we organized several times revealed the secrets of Python programming to participants. Attendance at the Lightning Talks was also record-breaking for this topic. This initiative also included plenty of discussion about embedded news and trends.

As part of the annual review, held on the 12th of January, we recognized the 6th most active trainers. By the way, again – a massive thank you and congratulations – you rock! Our trainers can count on the active support of a dedicated HR person throughout the training and development process. Consultations with other trainers are also organized whenever needed.

Our Academy supports improving English, a vital tool for IT professionals. We currently offer two options – online learning in small groups, and subsidized individual use of a specialist platform. Learning new skills and improving ourselves drives many of us, so providing benefits that help us in this regard is worthwhile. We hope 2023 will be at least as fruitful as last year. Wishing you the same!

Paulina Hinz

Paulina Hinz has been part of our HR team for four years, mainly dealing with training and events, and was previously also involved in recruiting IT professionals. Human relations and communication are her primary interests.

If you consider development as a factor in your choice of employer, we invite you to visit our career tab. We take it very seriously!


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