Discover the Game-Changing Power of Microservices:
Learn from Industry Leaders like Netflix and Spotify

How to modernize an application through microservices?

Find out

What makes the monolithic approach to IT system development obsolete?
What are the business benefits behind a microservices architecture?
Do microservices and the monolithic applications’ upgrades warrant the time and expense?

We answer this and several other questions during the Level UP webinar.

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Webinar microservices


From the expert's discussion you will learn:

Why microservices are the future of almost every app
What are pros and cons of this approach
Why microservices will relieve your budget

Did you know...
The ‘2022 Service Mesh Adoption Survey’ indicates that 85% of companies are upgrading their systems to microservices.

The microservices approach equals:

efficiency, flexibility, and minimizing risk
automation of processes
productivity gains

Check out our Success Story: Infinitely scalable LMS e-learning platform for Learnetic based on Google Cloud

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