Solwit’s social responsibility

Area: Natural Environment

Work at Solwit as the
source of satisfaction
and development

Rational management of broadly understood resources with respect to the natural balance of the environment is a key element of Solwit’s philosophy, described in the Vision of the company

  • Due to the type of activity, Solwit has a relatively low impact on the natural environment. It is mainly related to the disposal of computer equipment, the consumption of electricity and office materials, and the generation of waste resulting from working in offices.
  • Pro-ecological practices that have permanently existed in our everyday life include, for example, sorting office waste, eliminating disposable plastic dishes, using, where possible, electronic document circulation system and recycling electro-waste, toners and batteries. In our daily internal communication, we sensitize our employees to environmental issues and indicate what attitudes related to waste disposal we expect.
  • As an IT solutions provider, we recognize that advanced technologies shape the present with the future in mind. As part of our proprietary IT solutions, we delivered two IT systems to the market that have a direct impact on the environmental footprint of our activities:
  • ENVIRA waste stream management system – designed for municipal plants, industrial plants and retail networks, facilitating reporting to the Waste Database, enabling effective waste management and ensuring transparency of these organizations in terms of waste management. The distribution and implementation of the system is handled by Solwit.eko Sp. z o.o.
  • Energy management system in IZE-percee, intended for business customers, office centers, hotels, etc., enabling optimization and monitoring of electricity consumption and in result, reduction of electricity consumption by approx. 20%. The distribution and implementation of the system is handled by Solwena Sp. z o.o.

Social responsible business solutions

Solwit developed its proprietary solutions based on the latest technologies. The solutions are implemented in customers’ environments and adapted to their specific requirements.

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