A colorful end to the year - Pink October and Movember in Solwit

Posted: 2023-12-06
Written by: Kamila Marcinkiewicz

There are two significant initiatives linked to October and November in the minds of more and more people. While each is aimed at a different audience, their focus is the same – cancer prevention. Women wear pink ribbons in October, and men grow mustaches in November to attract attention to what matters most: health.

It is critical for businesses to act consciously, looking beyond profit generation. This is why CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) activities have become so popular in recent years.

Solwit also strives to incorporate as many aspects of this area as possible into its daily operations. Our activities are geared towards the stakeholder groups to which we cater, and we aim to offer solutions that support our mission and vision.

As part of the #solwitteam’s commitment to physical wellbeing, we decided to join two campaigns – Pink October and Movember – and prepare a series of educational activities directed at our Fellows, as well as their loved ones, family members, or friends. Two types of activities were proposed by our team – online and on-site.

Through our online activities, we offered our Fellows the opportunity to participate in webinars (separate for ladies and gentlemen) about intimate health. We collaborated with specialists from the Mosznowladcy organization, who have been educating about male cancer prevention for the past ten years and female cancer prevention more recently.

There was an extremely high level of feedback from webinar participants, who appreciated the clarity and practicality of the information presented. Recordings of the meetings were put on our intranet, so anyone who couldn’t attend live can listen to them later or watch them with loved ones.

One week after the webinars, ultrasound examinations for Solwit’s employees were held at our office. Every participant could visit a specialist free of charge (and without the need for a referral) and have their health assessed; it took (according to one of the check-up participants) less time than making a cup of tea. The sign-ups were first dedicated only to our employees, but over time, we opened them up and gave them the opportunity to register their relatives, too. This provided our female colleagues and mothers, mothers-in-law, wives, or partners the chance to get screened. Nearly 100 people took advantage of the USG tests!     

Speaking of October, it would be remiss if we did not mention the Women’s Run Always Pier(w)si, which a dozen of our colleagues took part in virtually. Together with over 7,000 women from all over Poland, they took part in an event aiming not only to spread awareness about breast cancer prevention, but also to raise funds for one of the Foundation’s beneficiaries in need. Running together through the Tricity forests, they stood in solidarity with the other participants who started on the same day in Wroclaw as well as virtually elsewhere in Poland.

We are delighted to see such enthusiasm, a warm welcome from the #solwitteam, and positive evaluations of our proposed activities. This confirms our belief that such activities are vital. Your participation is greatly appreciated!

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Written by: Kamila Marcinkiewicz,
Specjalista ds. HR

HRowiec z ponad dziesięcioletnim doświadczeniem w branży IT. W Solwicie zajmuje się tematami rekrutacji oraz employer brandingu. Pasją, a jednocześnie największym wyzwaniem jest dla niej praca z ludźmi. W wolnym czasie zgłębia tajniki języka niemieckiego.

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